To create multiple conference room discounts for customers on different plans, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the Business Settings icon located on your top taskbar
2. Click on the tab titled "Plans"
3. Click on the section titled "Plan Conditions"
4. Scroll down to the section titled "Facility privileges" and find the section called "Conference room discount"
5. Click on the tab titled "+Add Discount" under the plan you wish to add the discount for. The latter will allow you to add conference rooms and edit pricing and discounts.
6. You will find the following sections that need to be filled out:
- Conference Room Name: Create a name for the conference room
- Discount (%): If you are offering a percentage discount, enter the amount here
- Discount Amount ($): If you are offering a specific amount for a discount, enter the
amount here
*Note: Click on the button titled "Add Discount" to make sure your changes are saved.