Coupons can be easily created as an incentive for new customers to sign up. Follow the instructions below to set it up:

  • Go to Business Settings 
  • Select the tab titled "Coupons" 
  • You will find three sections: All, Active Coupons, and Inactive Coupons
  • Click the button titled "Create Coupon" and choose the conditions of your incentive
  • Once you have created a coupon, you have the option to manually deactivate it (to do so, click on the button on the far right of the selected coupon that is tagged "Deactivate coupon")

You can also check this article for more info on how to apply the coupons to your customers' accounts: Applying a Discount Coupon

*Note: The section titled "All Coupons" displays all the coupons you have created for your users. If you haven't created any yet, this section will be empty. The section titled "Active Coupons" displays all the coupons that are still activated for users and the section titled "Inactive Coupons" is for all the coupons that the operator chose to deactivate.