The Import/Export Users feature allows operators to upload/download a .csv file of their customers' information. When you click the button titled "Import Users (.csv)", a popup window will appear that allows you to upload a .csv file to be updated on the platform. When you click on the button titled "Export 14 Users", a .csv file will automatically be downloaded on your device.  

Consult the following video for more information:

*Note: When you're importing customer's information, the below requirements should be met:

  • The file must be in .csv format and cannot be larger than 5MB
  • The first line of the .csv file must contain these columns: Name, Email, Phone, Street, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal code, Country.
  • Optional columns – Company name

You're also provided with a sample .csv file for guidance. Just click on the "Get a sample .csv file" link in the popup window to download it.