SphereMail now offers direct integration with Nexudus to facilitate connecting your members with their virtual mailboxes and processing their invoices!

Here's how to set that up:

Click on the Marketplace "+" icon in any view on your account, and choose Nexudus: 

Alternatively, you can do the following: 

  1. Go to “Business Settings”:
  2. Click on “Integrations” and choose the “Systems” tab.
    (Please note that Admins and Mail Admins do not have access to this section.)

    There you’ll find the option to set up Nexudus by first enabling the integration toggle, then clicking on the “Connect” button that'll appear:
  3. You’ll get a popup window where you can type in the email address and password for your Nexudus account, and then click “Connect”:

And you're all set! 

Now you have the option to connect your Nexudus users between both platforms:

Auto-connect all your SphereMail active customers: 

Our system will automatically start connecting your active customers across platforms, but you can also start that process at any time by clicking on "Connect members", "confirm", and the system will cross-reference the emails of your active users and automatically connect them with their respective Nexudus member accounts.

Note: If the customer doesn't already have a member account on your Nexudus account, it'll be automatically created using the info they've set up on their SphereMail account, and you'll be able to find them under "New customers".

Manually connect specific customers: 

You’ll need to visit the customer’s SphereMail account and click to manually connect them:

Then search for their email and connect their Nexudus account: 

NOTE: For new customers that’ll sign up to your SphereMail portal AFTER you’ve set up your Nexudus integration— You won’t need to do anything; the system will connect them automatically as long as they’ve signed up on SphereMail using the same email addresses you have on file for their member account on Nexudus.

What information is shared/synched between both systems? 

  • Active customer accounts and contact info.
  • New customer sign-ups on SphereMail are automatically added to your Nexudus account.
  • Customers' newly created and pending invoices after the integration is set up and activated.
    (SphereMail cannot export old invoices and any invoices created prior to enabling the integration.)

How do you handle invoices with this integration active?

SphereMail will automatically and periodically export all/any pending invoices for your connected customers to Nexudus once every 5 days starting the 1st of each month (this means our system will check on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th of each month and export the pending invoices it finds), where you can find them listed in your invoice log and decide how to process them on Nexudus as needed:

And all exported invoices are automatically closed on SphereMail once they're successfully added to your Nexudus log:


Any SphereMail customer account that's not connected to Nexudus will follow the default billing process, where they will have to add their billing info, and you will charge them via SphereMail using your connected payment gateway as usual.