To activate a customer's account, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the section titled "Customers."
  • Search for the customer you want to activate in the search bar or go to the section titled "Inactive" to locate the customer
  • Click on the button titled "Activate[user]."
  • Select a Plan (add a setup fee or/and send a welcome email)
  • Add a coupon code (if any)
  • Select an Activation date
  • Select a billing start date
  • Click on the button titled "Activate."


  • Operators can now select a billing start date upon activating a new customer! The operator will activate a customer's account, but their billing will not start until their preset billing date. The latter allows your customers to familiarize themselves with the platform before doing business. It can also be a great way of aligning their recurring billing dates outside of SphereMail. 
  • Operators can now select an activating date, and the customer will be automatically activated on the corresponding date. 


- If an administrator activates a customer, SphereMail will not invoice and charge a customer automatically.

- When the customer enters their credit card information, SphereMail automatic charging will be enabled and charged on the next subscription renewal date.

- If an administrator activates a customer's account with a given billing start date, the user license fee will still apply regardless of the customer's billing start date.