An additional recipient is a person that's added to a customer's main account. Charging extra for each recipient generates additional revenue for your business. As an operator, you can also offer this service for free on any plan by following the steps below:

  • Go to Business Settings
  • Click on the section titled "Plans"
  • Click on the tab titled "Plan Conditions"
  • Scroll down to the section titled "Additional Services"
  • Go to the line item titled "Additional Recipient/monthly" and set the service price to $0.00 under the desired plan

If a customer adds an additional recipient they can change its status at any time to be: free, paid, or inactive by following the steps below:

  • Go to the section titled "Customers" 
  • Search for the customer in the search bar
  • Click on the customer's username
  • Click on the section titled "Other Services" 
  • Scroll down to the section titled "Need Additional recipient?"
  • Click on the button titled "Add"
  • A popup window will appear in which you can fill in the additional recipient's information 
  • Chose the free option to offer the Additional Recipients service for free
  • Click on "Add" to save changes