The improved Junk Mail feature allows customers to choose how to discard their unwanted mail items. The Junk Mail feature has two options: disposing of the unwanted mail item after 30 days or requesting to dispose of the unwanted mail item right away. The first option allows the customer to hold on to the unwanted mail item for 30 days and be subject to storage fees. The second option allows the customer to send a request to the operator to dispose of the unwanted mail item right away. 

Customers can now choose how to dispose of their unwanted mail items by following the steps below: 

  • Login to the SphereMail account
  • Identify the unwanted mail item from the section titled "Mail" and click on the icon titled "Junk Mail."
  •  A pop-up window will appear titled "Select a Junk Mail Option."
  • Choose the desired option 
  • Click Confirm 

Once customers choose the option they need, the unwanted mail item will move to the section titled "Junk." Once the mail item moves to that section, customers can always choose to mark it as "Not Junk." 


- When customers request to trash their mail items right away, they can only mark it as "Not Junk" as long as the request is not processed by the operator yet. 

- When customers choose to dispose of the unwanted mail item after 30 days, they can request to trash the mail item right away. All they need to do is, go to the section titled "Junk," locate the unwanted mail item, and click on the trash icon titled "Request to trash mail item." 

When the customer chooses one of the Junk Mail options for an unwanted mail item, that mail item moves to one of two separate icons on the operator's side. These two icons are titled "Junk Mail" and "Trash Requests." 

All the unwanted mail items the customer chooses to keep for more than 30 days move to the icon titled "Junk Mail," which means the customer will be charged a storage fee (if the operator sets any). The system also automatically disposes of these mail items after 30 days. 

All the mail items the customer chooses to trash right away, move to icon titled "Trash Requests." For the latter, the operator needs to process these requests by clicking on the icon titled "Trash now."

Operators can use this feature on behalf of their customers by following the steps below: 

  • Go to the section titled "Mail Center."
  • Search for the unwanted mail item in the search bar
  • Click on the icon titled "Junk Mail." 
  • Choose how the customer wants to dispose of the unwanted mail item
  • Click Confirm 

Operators can also use this feature on behalf of their customers by simply logging in as the customer from the section titled "Customers."


- Once the operator chooses to dispose of the mail item right away (the Trash mail now option), it will disappear from the platform.