Customers can now request their checks to be deposited on their behalf by using the check deposit feature! 


After the mail item is entered into the platform by the operator, the customer can request their check to be deposited by following the steps below: 

  • Log into account, and go to the desired mail item 
  • Request a scan by clicking on the icon titled "Request a Scan"
  • Once the request is processed, it will appear in the section titled "Processed"
  • Locate the desired mail item and click on the icon titled "Request Check Deposit"

The operator can, then, process the request by following the steps below: 

  • Click on the "Check Deposit Requests" icon located on the left sidebar of the Mail Center page
  • Locate the desired mail item and deposit the check on the customers' behalf


  • After completing the deposit, click on the "Check Deposit Requests" icon once more 
  • Go to the mail item in question and click on the "Check deposited" icon to complete the process

Consult the following video, showcasing the process from both the customer's side and the operator's, for more information: 

Operators may offer the check deposit service for customers and capture payments on a monthly basis, whether they have checks to be deposited or not. Visit Setting up the Check Deposit Service for more information.