Virtual Phone Number and Live Answering Services

Can customers port their Canadian numbers to Spheremail ?
Kindly note that Canadian phone numbers can, indeed, be ported to our provider. 
Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 11:37 AM
Hi SphereMail, I am looking to port a new customer's Virtual Phone Number into her account, and I followed the instructions to do so, but can't find a "Port Number" button. Is porting still an option?
The porting function needs to be enabled first in your account. If you wish to enable it, kindly follow the steps below: 1. Go to Business Settings 2. ...
Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 11:41 AM
I'm downgrading a customer to a different plan, will his Virtual Phone service receive any interruptions?
As long as the customer is being downgraded to a plan that also offers the SpherePhone service, he will not encounter any interruption of phone service. ...
Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 3:34 PM