Virtual Phone Number and Live Answering Services

Do you charge the operator for voice message setup or personal recording? →
No, we don't. Setting voice messages or a personal recording for your virtual telephone number is free.
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:42 PM
Do I have to offer all the services on the platform? What if I am already offering live answering services or notary services and I don’t want to offer them through the SphereMail platform? →
No, you don't have to offer all the services we provide on our platform. You can easily enable/disable any service you desire by following the steps bel...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:43 PM
What is the difference between a virtual phone number and a land line/cell phone number? →
A virtual phone number is a number you can use anywhere in the world. You can also use it on any smart device in a flexible and seamless way to receive and/...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:43 PM
What are the differences among all the live receptionist plans? →
We have two plans available: Business 150 and Business 350. Business 150 is for $99 a month that includes:  150 calls answered $1.99/call will be bil...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:44 PM
A customer signed up for virtual phone service, is there anything we need to do as an operator? →
No, this is a fully automated self-service product. There is nothing you need to do as an operator.
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:44 PM
Do we have a call blocking/spam blocking function in the SpherePhone service? If not, do we pass-through the caller ID of the original caller?→
The caller ID of the original caller is, indeed, passed through in the SpherePhone service. However, additional development work will be required to include...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:44 PM
A subscription was suspended. Can we retrieve the virtual phone number when re-subscribing?→
Once a virtual phone number is suspended, it is released and cannot be retrieved. The subscriber needs to purchase another virtual phone number from the pla...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:45 PM
How do we account/handle robocalls in the Live Answering service? Are they billed as calls?→
Robocalls are treated as billable calls in the Live Answering service. The receptionist will answer the call and listen for a few seconds to confirm that th...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:45 PM
What happens to a customer's phone number when they cancel their subscription? Can they add back on only the phone service?→
Virtual phone numbers are not sold separately on our platform. When a mailbox subscription is canceled, any virtual phone number attached will also be ca...
Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 12:51 PM
Can our customers do live receptionist ONLY if they purchase one of your business numbers? →
No, the Virtual Phone Number service is different from the Live Receptionist/Answering service. Customers do not need to buy a virtual phone number in order...
Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:51 PM